Saturday, March 24, 2007

Pimentel bares youth agenda: Affordable education, lower tuition

Genuine Opposition senatorial candidate Aquilino "Koko" Pimentel
decried the continued and uncontrolled rise in tuition fees, which has
made it difficult for many young Filipinos to earn a college degree.

Pimentel today bared that arresting the continued increase in tuition
fees will be high on his agenda if elected to the Senate.

This was Pimentel's commitment as he disclosed his youth agenda,
being one of the young senatorial candidates running in the May 2007

We have to put a stop to this spiraling costs of education, and if
elected we will review the current deregulated policy of tuition fees
because this has been detrimental to the interest of our youth.

Even state colleges and universities have not been spared from this
problem of high cost of education, Pimentel noted.

Pimentel, former Commissioner of the National Youth Commission
representing Mindanao, said the youth have simple dreams, and that is
to be able to earn a college degree.

"My program for the youth is to help ensure that college tuition fees
will be affordable for our youth, because education is the best weapon
against poverty," Pimentel said.

"The reality all over the world is that an educated worker earns more
than a non-educated worker," Pimentel explained.

Working on this premise, it should be a priority goal to make college
education affordable to all.

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