Monday, March 26, 2007

KMP to bishops on urban militarization: Follow Bishop Pabillo’s example

AFP asking COMELEC for 30-day extension to answer charges

MANILA -- The militant Kilusang Magbubukid ng Pilipinas (KMP) and the
ANAKPAWIS party list group called on all the bishops of the Catholic
Church to stand up for their flock and work for the immediate pull out
of the troops in their areas.

According to Ka Willy Marbella, internal deputy secretary general of
KMP and ANAKPAWIS party list nominee, "we are really glad that the
good Bishop Broderick Pabillo has already come out and voiced his
strong opposition on the urban deployment of troops. We ardently hope
that all the other bishops will follow suit to stop the military from
further harassing and terrorizing the people,"

"The auxiliary bishop of Manila, is right in getting first hand
information and going to the places were the military are deployed and
engaging them in dialogue, but as it is it seems the Armed Forces of
the Philippines (AFP) do have something to hide because they did not
even meet with the top Church official. In other areas of Metro Manila
and the whole country as well the Church should take the lead in
battling this further infringement on our rights," said Marbella.

"We have also monitored military deployments in Cebu and in the vast
country side like Cagayan Valley, Centra Luzon, Soutern Tagalog, the
Bicol region and Davao where our bailiwicks are located, the Church
leaders should also let their voices be heard and work so that the
troops would be ordered back to their barrack," added the peasant

"During the last hearing in the COMELEC regarding our complaint
against the AFP's urban military deployment and their electioneering
activities, it is almost funny that their lawyers are asking for a 30
day extension before they would reply to our charges. It would be
Election Day by then and the charges would seem to be moot and
academic. The delaying tactics of the regime is so blatant and they
really want the troops to remain up till the elections at the very
least," he said.

"With a dishonest and fascist military we need more Church leaders
like Bishop Pabillo who stands up for his flock and lend his voice to
them in fighting tyranny and repression," ended Marbella. # # #

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